Ethical Management

Going forward, ETS aspires to mature into a company that considers customer value as the key to success in growing its corporate value.

  • For customers

    For our customers, ETS recognizes that customers are the foundation of the company's existence. It thinks and makes decisions on all business activities from the customer's perspective, and strives to create customer value in an honest and sincere manner.

  • For employees

    For our employees, ETS recognizes that employees are the most valuable asset of the company, treats them fairly based on their achievements and capabilities, and strives to improve the quality of life of employees by creating an optimal work environment.

  • For the company

    For the company, ETS employees lead a moderate life as sound members of society, strive to improve themselves, recognize that the company is an important pillar of their lives, and do not engage in any actions that tarnish the company's integrity and value or damage its dignity.

  • For the country and society

    For the country and society, ETS employees recognize that the company must play a central role in the rechargeable battery industry. They must help the company grow in a sound manner, and contribute to the growth of both the national economy and local community.

  • 01
    Employees shall strive to provide our customers with the best service.
  • 02
    Employees shall create an organizational culture that values mutual trust and respect within the workplace.
  • 03
    Employees shall not seek personal benefit in connection with their work responsibilities.
  • 04
    Employees shall not engage in any unlawful actions with stakeholders in relation to the work responsibilities.
  • 05
    Employees shall adhere to sound and fair-trading rules when conducting external transactions.
  • 06
    Employees shall their best to establish an ethical corporate culture.
  • 07
    Employees shall respect social norms and protect the honor of ETS and its family.
  • 08
    Employees shall seek to maximize value creation with a business mindset in which customers and companies can grow together.

Privacy Policy






Prohibit any Unauthorized E-mail Collection

We refuse unauthorized collection of e-mail addresses posted on this website using e-mail collection programs or other technical devices, and please keep in mind that violations will result in criminal penalties under the Information and Communication Network Act

※ Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.

* Article 50-2 (Prohibition of unauthorized collection of e-mail addresses, etc.)
  • No one shall collect e-mail addresses using a program or other technical device that automatically collects e-mail addresses from an Internet homepage where the intention to refuse collection of e-mail addresses is stated.
  • No one shall sell or distribute the e-mail addresses collected in violation of the provisions of Paragraph 1.
  • Anyone who knows that the collection, sale, and distribution of the e-mail address is prohibited in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not use it for information transmission.

* Article 74 (Penalty) A person who falls under any of the following subparagraphs shall be punished by a fine not exceeding 10 million won.
  • A person who displays, sells, or displays for sale in violation of Article 8 (4)
  • A person who distributes, sells, rents, or publicly displays obscene code, words, sound, image, or video in violation of Article 44-7 (1) 1
  • A person who repeatedly reaches the other party with code, words, sound, image, or video that induces fear or anxiety in violation of Article 44-7 (1) 3
  • A person who takes technical measures in violation of Article 50 (6)
  • A person who transmits advertising information in violation of Article 50-8 A person who collects, sells, distributes, or uses e-mail addresses for information transmission in violation of Article 50-2
  • A person who transmits advertising information in violation of Article 50-8
  • A person who fails to register changes in registered matters, transfer or acquisition of business, or report merger or inheritance in violation of Article 53 (4)